
Other Supporters of Braze Mobility:

Use these links to learn more about Braze’s other supporters:

The Impact Centre at the University of Toronto http://www.impactcentre.ca/

Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP)  https://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/irap/index.html

Ontario Brain Institute (OBI) http://www.braininstitute.ca/

Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) http://www.oce-ontario.org/

Semaphore Research Cluster, University of Toronto http://semaphore.utoronto.ca/

CNE Innovation Garage https://theex.com/main/entertainment/cneinnovation/cne-innovation-garage-partners

POWER PLAY pitch competition – Toronto Rehab Foundation

Pitches and Pitchers 2.0 – Ontario Bioscience Innovation Organization (OBIO)

Autres organismes qui appuient Braze Mobility :

Suivez ces liens pour en apprendre davantage sur les autres organismes qui appuient Braze :

Impact Centre de l’Université de Toronto http://www.impactcentre.ca/

Programme d’aide à la recherche industrielle du Conseil national de recherches Canada (PARI CNRC) https://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/fra/pari/index.html

Institut ontarien du cerveau http://braininstitute.ca/fr/

Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) http://www.oce-ontario.org/

Semaphore Research Cluster, Université de Toronto http://semaphore.utoronto.ca/

CNE Innovation Garage https://theex.com/main/entertainment/cneinnovation/cne-innovation-garage-partners

POWER PLAY pitch competition – Toronto Rehab Foundation

Pitches and Pitchers 2.0 – Ontario Bioscience Innovation Organization (OBIO)