AGE-WELL Conference Program
October 23 – 24, 2024
Delta Hotels by Marriott Edmonton South Conference Centre
* Click the + on the times below for more details.
- Jenna Roddick, APPTA,
- Patrick Patterson, APPTA,
- Ki McKechnie, Alberta Health
Open to all trainees and research staff
Hosted by:
- Christine Daum
- Mathieu Figeys
- Farnaz Koubasi
- Ranuki Hettiarachchige
- Salamah Alshammari
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm: AGE-WELL Reception and Showcase (“Drinks & Demos”) & Rising Stars in AgeTech Special Poster Session
7:00 am – 3:00 pm: Registration Open
7:00 am – 8:30 am: Continental Breakfast
Hosted by AGE-WELL Older Adut and Caregiver Advisory Committee
The Power of Us
Older, Stronger, Bolder: Together
How can we channel users’ enthusiasm into innovations they genuinely want to adopt? Learn how Living Best, an initiative born in Japan, is empowering aging adults and those who love them to actively participate in identifying and co-creating the solutions that will truly enhance their lives.
10:00 am – 10:30 am: Break / Exhibits / Poster Viewing
Dynamic short talks on groundbreaking AgeTech research, showcasing the latest advancements in the field.
Stakeholder involvement to co-develop a virtual reality technology to manage pain and anxiety in palliative care units in the province of Quebec
- Alexander Moreno, Department of Psychology, Université de Montréal, Centre de recherche de l’institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal, Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal (CCSMTL), Notre-Dame Hospital, Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal (CCSMTL
Building a Virtual Reality Platform for Dementia Caregivers Simulation-Based Skills-Training: A Technology Developer’s Perspective on Lessons Learned
- Andrei Torres, Ontario Tech University
Using VR to Examine the Effects of Smell on Memory in Younger and Older Adults
- Raheleh Saryazdi, Trent University Durham, KITE Research Institute-UHN
Integrating Virtual Reality Reminiscence Therapy into Behavioral Support Lending Program at Alzheimer’s Society of Durham: An Exploratory Study
- Winnie Sun, Ontario Tech University
Dynamic short talks on groundbreaking AgeTech research, showcasing the latest advancements in the field.
AgeTech and Indigenous Community-Based Research
Co-developing Indigenous-Led Technological Pathways to Mental Wellness among Older Indigenous Adults
- Viviane Josewski, UNBC, National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health
Impact of Wearable Technology on Healthy Aging and Sovereign Research on Mental Health
- Cari McIlduff, University of Saskatchewan
Health Programming to Support Remote Indigenous Older Adults with Technology
- John Bosco Acharibasam, University of Saskatchewan
Living Active, Aging Well
Thriving to Age Actively: A Virtual Active Aging Training Program with Chinese Immigrants in Canada
- Lixia Yang, Toronto Metropolitan University
Acceptance of Virtual Reality Games Among Older Adults Living in Long-Term Care Facilities: A Mixed-Methods Study
- Marjan Hosseini, AGE-WELL, University of Ottawa
The User-Centred Design Journey in AgeTech: Matching Features to Users and Settings
- Mark Chignell, University of Toronto
AgeTech: Redefining Care
Exploring Standards and Guidelines in AgeTech Design and Development: A Review of Academic and Gray Literature
- Josephine McMurray, Wilfrid Laurier University
Designing AI-enabled AgeTech for dynamic care ecosystems: a humanistic model
- Amy Hwang, University of Toronto, Centre de recherche, Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal
Innovation for Inclusivity in Aging
Stakeholder prioritized items for inclusion in the co-development of a technology-based solution for self-management of behaviors linked to frailty
- Sherri Thomson, University of Waterloo
(Un)Identified Flying Object: Involving Older Passengers in the Design of Technology Concepts to Support their Air Travel Experiences.
- Ben Koskowich, Carleton University
Role of technology in supporting accessible workspaces for employees with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Young Onset Dementia
- Josephine McMurray, Wilfrid Laurier University
Cognitive Health, Dementia and the Power of Technology
CIRCA: Feasibility Testing the Canadian Version of the Computer Interactive Reminiscing and Conversation Aid.
- Arlene Astell, University of Toronto, KITE, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Northumbria University
Integration of Daily Rituals into the Design of Technology that facilitate Reading Rituals for Community Dwelling Older Adults Living with Dementia
- Rupsha Mutsuddi, York University
Evaluating an Automated Vision System Designed to Detect Pain Behaviours in Residents Living with Dementia in Long-Term Care Settings
- Vivian Tran, Department of Psychology, University of Regina, Centre on Aging and Health
The Future of Care: Telehealth & Virtual Health Solutions
Exploring Virtual Healthcare Perspectives among Older Adults Living with HIV: A Qualitative Study
- Kristina Kokorelias, Sinai Health
Who will receive and use telemonitoring information to support older adults? Findings from co-design workshops within the Côte Saint-Luc Living Lab
- Mélanie Couture, Université de Sherbrooke
Enhancing Tele-Wellness for Community Rehabilitation through AR/VR Technology – A Participatory Design Approach
- Shital Desai, Social and Technological Systems Lab
Research Blitz Talks
How FFAR we have come: Measuring change with the Fit-Frailty App in Rehab
- Aastha Relan, McMaster University
Residents’ Responses to an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Service Robot in Long-term Care
- Lily Haopu Ren, Innovation in Dementia and Aging (IDEA) Lab, University of British Columbia, , Canada Research Chair in Senior Care
How vision loss affects older adults’ narrative listening experiences
- Signe Lund Mathiesen, Baycrest Academy for Research and Education
Insole-based Sensor System for Plantar Pressure Distribution and Gait Analysis
- Sophini Subramaniam, McMaster University
Mattress Matters: The Impact of Mattress Stiffness on In-Bed Posture Classification for Pressure Injury Prevention
- Lindsay Stern, University of Toronto, KITE Research Institute
How do older adults with and without cognitive impairment complete everyday activities?
- Christina Commisso, University of Toronto, KITE, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute
Integrated Context-Aware Indoor Positioning System for Enhanced Mobility and Cognitive Health Monitoring in Aging Populations
- Hailey Wang, McMaster University
Development and preliminary validation of a novel checklist to address age bias in digital technologies
- Kylie Arsenault, Department of Psychology, University of Regina, Centre on Aging and Health
Factors influencing implementation of alert systems for missing persons with dementia – Scotland’s case study Enhancing Healthy Aging: Implementing Serious Games and Emerging Technologies into a Rehabilitation Technology Parc Delivering dementia prevention interventions remotely to community dwelling older adults in their homes: How well was technology embraced? A Risk-of-bias Analysis of Conducting Physical and Cognitive Exercises in the Homes of Older Adults in New Brunswick at Risk for Dementia Rehabilitation Exercise Quality Assessment through Supervised Contrastive Learning with Hard and Soft Negatives Hero Program: A Data-Driven Reward System to Improve Hand Hygiene in a Complex Continuing Care Centre Evaluation of a 3D Skeleton-Tracking Model in Estimating the Joint Angle and Range of Motion Advancing Healthy Aging through Serious Games: Optimizing Treatment Intensity in the Ensemble Project Virtual Care Perceptions and Experiences of Older Adults During COVID-19 in Canada: A Systematic Review Feasibility of high-accuracy indoor positioning and smart home technologies for assessing and monitoring older adults. Missing Incidents Among Persons Living with Dementia: A Retrospective Descriptive Study using 5 Canadian databases Co-Designing a Tele-Rehabilitation Framework for Patients with Upper Limb Musculoskeletal Disorders iTrain my Brain: Evaluating the effects of multiple object tracking training on older adults’ cognition and mobility SAM3 SME Support for Aging in Place Technology Perceptions and Preferences of Community-Dwelling Older Adults on Hip Protectors Gamification of Upper Limb Remote Rehabilitation in Post Stroke Mapping equity in evidence base to promote healthy ageing The Alberta Rating Index for Apps: A usability and reliability study Development of a scale to estimate risks of going missing among persons living with dementia Correlations between Social Isolation and Functional Decline in Older Adults after Lower Limb Fractures using Multimodal Sensors Using a game-based screening to detect mild cognitive impairment. Exploring the influence of a novel application for evaluating and training walking aid skills in walking aid users Evaluating Age-Related Differences in Driving Performance Within Conditionally Automated Vehicles Employing Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning to Recognize Older Adults’ Activities via Labeling Applications in Real-World Smart Homes Co-creating Technological approaches for social connectedness among African Immigrant Seniors in Canada Testing a new approach to monitor mild cognitive impairment and cognition in older adults at the community level Developing a Discrete Event Simulation Tool to Quantify Nurse Workload and Patient Care Quality in a Complex Continuing Care Unit Age-Related Decline in Driving Route Complexity: A Potential Marker for Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease Interdisciplinary Team Collaborates to Establish a Multi-Sensory Room in a Care Home Launching and evaluating a web-based human rights indicator data repository on older adults: An intersectoral approach iTrain my Brain: evaluating the acceptability and feasibility of at-home perceptual-cognitive training in older adults with subjective cognitive decline or frailty From Caregivers’ Activity Recognition to Subsequent Patient Infection Risk Prediction Health and Social Care Technology Use by Diverse Older Adults Living with HIV Recommendations for Geriatric-HIV Virtual Care: Preliminary Findings from a Co-Design Session Training machine learning models to detect care partner burden based on home sensor activities. Mattress Matters: The Impact of Mattress Stiffness on In-Bed Posture Classification for Pressure Injury Prevention UR Caregiver: User perceptions of a stress management psychoeducational app for caregivers of people living with dementia Visual Differences in the Life-Space of Men and Women with Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease Technology Roadmap for Advancing Indigenous Health Co-creating an Outcome Measure For Social Robots in Dementia Care Identifying driving styles of older adults using a driving simulator Designing an electronic version of a Memory Support System for individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment: Challenges and Insights Technical Health Solutions to Enhance Aging- and Disability-Inclusive Risk Communication in Canada Supporting Physical Activity in Later Life: Navigating Older Adults through the Interrelated Barriers to Remaining Physically Active A tool for the evaluation of patient transfer technologies for older adults to promote comfort, dignity, and safety during transfers PromoSanté: a digital platform to promote well-being among the elderly In-Home Long Term Mobility Tracking by an MQTT-based Indoor Positioning System Strategies for Engaging Older Adults Living with HIV in Virtual Care Design: Insights from an Early Career Researcher Theories, models, and frameworks for decision-making and organizational implementation of health technologies: a scoping review Detecting Behaviours of Risk in People with Dementia using Depth-Weighted Video Cameras Intergenerational interactions between older adults and children: A scoping review Typical Driving Behaviours in Older Adults with Dementia: Insights from a Systematic Literature Review Real-Time Evaluation of an Automated Computer Vision System to Monitor Pain Behaviour in Older Adults with and without Dementia Determining what patients admitted with a COPD exacerbation will use for remote clinical monitoring: a patient engagement survey Exploring the Integration of Daily Rituals into the Design of Technologies which Support Older Adults Living with Dementia in Community Settings Using Online Technology for Ageing Together: Voices of Retirees from Colleges and Universities in Canada Stakeholders’ perspectives on remote monitoring technologies for older adults: A narrative review Recognizing Seniors’ Daily Activities through Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Potential Public-Use Technologies for Estimating Footwear Slip Resistance: A Review of the Literature Naturalistic Gait Assessment in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease Using Wearable Devices Breaking Barriers: Virtual Information-Seeking Behaviours of Diverse Older Adults Living with HIV Tangible Codesign for Aging in Place: Multidisciplinary collaboration reveals adaptive preferences for older adults with variable physical and mild cognitive impairments The YourCare+ Self-Referral Platform for Home and Community Support Services: Ontario Deployment Acceptability of Smart Home and Home Health Technologies for Aging-in-Place: A Qualitative Study Virtual Gym A Personalized Exergames XR Platform for Physical and Cognitive Training The Case of an Automated Computer Vision System to Detect Pain Behaviours: Challenges in Implementing a Lab-based Solution into Clinical Settings Examining the physical, social and educational benefits of CLEAN exergame for people with dementia to promote hand hygiene and influenza vaccine uptake: A feasibility study A Scoping Review of Applying Co-design Approaches to Long-Term Care Innovations During COVID-19 Enhancing Pain Detection in Dementia Patients Using AI-Generated Synthetic Images: Addressing Ethnic Diversity and Algorithmic Bias A Multi-Modal EEG-based Approach to Classify Game Engagement in Older Adults 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm: HQP Poster Competition Adjudication Informing Practice with Technology Dynamic short talks on groundbreaking AgeTech research, showcasing the latest advancements in the field. Offering the right homecare services to older adults living with cognitive decline through telemonitoring of activities of daily living: Results of an embedded mixed-methods multiple case study Electronic Decision Support for Deprescribing in Older Adults Living in Long-Term Care Homes Uncovering Misalignments in the Implementation of Real-Time Location Systems in Long-term Care Homes AI Supported Pain Assessment for Residents with Cognitive impairment in Long-Term Care: Technological Innovation Empowering Care Moderators: 4:15 pm – 4:30 pm: Closing Remarks/Conference Close The AGE-WELL National Impact Challenge: Solutions for Healthy Aging recognizes top startups and supports entrepreneurship in Canada’s AgeTech sector. Applicants from across the country will participate in a pitch competition where they will be challenged to explain how their solution can positively impact older Canadians and/or caregivers. 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm: Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG): Opening Ceremony and Reception
Senior Director, NORC Supportive Services, Jewish Association Serving the Aging (JASA), New York
Founder, DVA Dementia Village Associates and main architect of De Hogeweyk, the famous dementia village near Amsterdam
Advocate for people living with dementia
Assistant Professor, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto; Cross-appointed, Rehabilitation Sciences Institute and Institute for Life Course and Aging;
Affiliate Scientist, KITE-Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network
Associate teaching professor, Criminology and Justice, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Ontario Tech University
8:00 am – 9:00 am: Continental Breakfast and Networking
8:45 am – 9:10 am: Opening Remarks: Samantha Sandassie, AGE-WELL
9:10 am – 9:50 am: envisAGE Forum Keynote: Christopher Kunney, Managing Partner, IOTECH Consulting
- Margaret Polanyi, AGE-WELL
- Shane Saunderson, McMaster University
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm: Mentorship and Networking Lunch
*envisAGE Forum Programming
envisAGE Annual Forum
Visit the envisAGE Forum webpage for more information details on the Forum program and schedule.