Dementia Care: It Takes a Community


On May 20, 2014 a group of family/friend caregivers (herein called care partners), care providers, educators, administrators, policy makers, and other professionals from the community, social service, and private sectors participated in a one day, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR, Grant No. DGE 129655) funded workshop titled: Knowledge Translation in Dementia Care: It Takes a Community, in Toronto, Ontario. The primary objectives of this workshop were to: imagine an ideal dementia-friendly community; determine elements of an action plan that would assist in achieving dementiafriendly communities; create new and diverse partnerships to enhance the quality of life of persons living with dementia and their care partners; and explore ways to advocate for and advance innovative practices and policies relevant to community dementia care and support. This Policy Brief is a result of this discussion and is disseminated to those who have a role to play in ensuring that people with dementia and their care partners receive the care, support, and understanding they need from their communities.

Please click here to view the full policy brief.

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