group of seniors

“Who Cares? Aging Boomers and Caregiving Policy in Canada”

The 11th Annual Ellen M. Gee Memorial “Who Cares? Aging Boomers and Caregiving Policy in Canada” was presented by Janice Keefe, Ph.D.

Dr. Keefe is a full Professor, Department of Family Studies and Gerontology, Mount Saint Vincent University and holds appointments at Dalhousie University’s Faculties of Medicine and Graduate Studies and UNB’s School of Graduate Studies.

November 15, 2013
4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Room 7000 Earl & Jennie Lohn Policy Room


Who does care? Join Janice Keefe, Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University; Director, Nova Scotia Centre on Aging; and Lena Isabel Jodrey Chair in Gerontology, as she explores the reality of population aging in Canada and the impact of shifting demographics on the supply of and demand for family/friend caregivers. Highlighting the valuable contributions made by family and friends in their caregiver roles, Dr. Keefe will explore the policy changes that could make a positive difference as we encounter personal and system challenges. Addressing many pressing questions, Dr. Keefe will discuss; Who will take on new care responsibilities as the health care system is increasingly over-stretched? What financial and service supports will be available to caregivers? What role can government play as we seek out innovative approaches for caregivers across Canada and around the world? Through this engaging lecture, Dr. Keefe will shed light on why Canada can no longer afford to NOT support family/friend caregivers.