Brian Corrie
Technical Director, The IRMACS Centre - Simon Fraser University
Brian Corrie is the Technical Director at Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in the Mathematical and Computational Sciences (IRMACS). Dr. Corrie’s research interests are in advanced collaborative environments, computer graphics, scientific visualization, virtual environments (VE), and coupling computational simulation to visualization. Over the last fifteen years, Dr. Corrie has been involved in the establishment of three virtual environment facilities including the Virtual Environments lab at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, Australia, the Virtual Environments Technology Centre (VETC) at the National Research Council of Canada’s Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Institute in London, Ontario, and the Immersive Media Lab at the New Media Innovation Centre (NewMIC) in Vancouver, British Columbia. He was the Project Leader for the Collaborative VE project at ANU, the Technical Leader at the VETC, and the Focus Area Leader for the Immersive and Collaborative Environments research program at NewMIC. Dr. Corrie joined IRMACS in 2004 to coordinate and manage their collaborative and visualization research programs and facilities.