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AGE-WELL Annual Conference

October 16, 2018 - October 18, 2018

AGE-WELL’s 4th Annual Conference

Innovation in Action

RATE Web Banner

October 16 – 18, 2018

Sheraton Wall Centre
Vancouver, BC

Join us in October in Vancouver, BC for Innovation in Action, our fourth Annual Conference!  AGE-WELL2018 will be held as a pre-conference event to the Canadian Association on Gerontology Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting.

AGE-WELL2018 will showcase a multi-disciplinary program of research and innovation from across the AGE-WELL network. Engaging demonstrations and presentations will spotlight real-world solutions to support healthy aging. Sessions are designed to maximize networking, knowledge exchange and collaboration among AGE-WELL stakeholders. AGE-WELL2018 is open to the public and is the place to be for anyone with an interest in technology and aging.

Registration for the AGE-WELL 2018 Conference is now closed. On-site registration will be available in Vancouver. Please email info@agewell-nce.ca if you have any questions or concerns.

AGE-WELL 2018 Conference

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AGE-WELL Conference Program


AGE-WELL 2018 Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus


BRENDAN TELUS_dec2016-3469

Dr. Brendan Byrne
Chief Innovation Officer, TELUS Health

A doctor by vocation and an entrepreneur by profession, Brendan is currently serving as Entrepreneur in Residence for TELUS Health, and is intensely interested in the intersection of personalized medicine, digital health and wellness.

Brendan has spent over 25 years exploring how digital health can transform information into better health outcomes, and co-founded FIRSTEP Innovations Inc. (www.firstep.ca) which partners with TELUS to create immersive experiences and facilitate dialogue between cutting-edge innovators and enterprise leaders.

In practice for over 25 years, Brendan has recently launched Wellness Garage (www.wellnessgarage.ca) – a new health offering, combining Precision Health with Lifestyle Medicine and Personal Coaching.


We are delighted to announce a partnership with the SAGE peer-reviewed, open access, interdisciplinary journal, Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering (RATE).

Authors of abstracts accepted by the AGE-WELL Conference are encouraged to submit a full paper to form part of a Special Collection in RATE. 

Conference Abstract deadline: August 17, 2018 (click here to apply)

Paper Submission deadline: November 23, 2018 (click here to apply)

For full details on the scope of the Special Collection and how to submit your paper please read the Special Collection Call for Papers.


Registration will open in Spring 2018. Full conference and one-day conference registrations are available. All conference fees are in Canadian dollars. Student registration is available only to full-time students. The seniors rate is available to persons aged 65 years or older. You may be asked for proof of status when you check in to get your badge and conference materials in Vancouver.

Full Conference Rates

Member Type Early Bird* Regular
Regular $350 $400
Student/Trainee $150 $175
Senior (65+) $50 $75
Caregiver $50 $75

One Day Rates

Member Type Early Bird* Regular
Regular $175 $225
Student/Trainee $100 $115
Senior (65+) $20 $40
Caregiver $20 $40


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*Early Bird registration fees for full and one-day registrations are available up to and including August 31, 2018.


Please visit 2015 Annual Conference & AGM for information about our inaugural conference.

Please visit 2016 Annual Conference & AGM for information about the Montreal conference.

Please visit 2017 Annual Conference for information about last year’s conference.

Please contact info@agewell-nce.ca for more information


October 16, 2018
October 18, 2018


Sheraton Wall Centre
1088 Burrard Street
Vancouver, British Columbia Canada
+ Google Map