

New AGE-WELL projects tackle challenges facing older Canadians, caregivers

Jun 13 2016

(Français) AGE-WELL has awarded grants to three promising new projects as part of its Strategic Investment Program, which aims to provide rapid and responsive funding for commercialization and knowledge mobilization activities. One project involves a novel treatment for overactive bladder, a disorder that affects 18% of Canadian adults. Drs. Paul Yoo and Sasha John at

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AGE-WELL Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Awards in Technology and Aging (2016)

Jun 13 2016

AGE-WELL is pleased to announce that it will again offer research funding to highly qualified graduate students and postdoctoral fellows across Canada through our Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Awards in Technology and Aging. AGE-WELL NCE is a national research network whose goal is to accelerate innovation in the field of technology and aging in order

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Winterlight Labs wins Aging2.0 Global local Startup Search

May 25 2016

(Français) An AGE-WELL startup company that has developed speech-assessment technology to quickly detect and monitor cognitive impairment has won first prize at a pitch event hosted by the Toronto chapter of Aging2.0. The tablet-based technology created by Winterlight Labs analyzes short samples of a person’s speech. It extracts hundreds of variables from the samples, producing

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Recipients of Aging and Gerontechnology Research Funding Announced

May 9 2016

(Français) Two projects have been selected to receive funding from AGE-WELL and the Centre de recherche de l’Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal (CRIUGM). The funded projects are: COOK to support safety at home during meal preparation: perceptions of caregivers and clinicians Principal Investigator: Nathalie Bier, CRIUGM, Université de Montréal Co-researchers: Patricia Belchior, Ph.D., CRIUGM,

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