Jun 26 2023
A total of CA$3m has today been awarded to 24 pioneering teams of developers, researchers and innovators from across the globe in an international challenge competition.
Jun 26 2023
A total of CA$3m has today been awarded to 24 pioneering teams of developers, researchers and innovators from across the globe in an international challenge competition.
Jun 7 2023
Eight finalists have been chosen to compete in the National Impact Challenge 2023 – Bold Innovations for Living, powered by AGE-WELL and SE Health.
Jun 6 2023
AGE-WELL in collaboration with the Canadian Frailty Network (CFN) is funding 17 innovative one-year research projects through the inaugural Catalyst Funding Program in Healthy Aging.
May 11 2023
Thirteen innovative companies from across the UK and Canada have been selected to develop their healthy ageing solutions as part of an international innovation exchange programme.
Apr 19 2023
AGE-WELL is pleased to announce three new recipients of Early Career Researcher Awards to support their work in co-designing real-world solutions for older adults as part of developing the future of AgeTech in Canada.