Older Adult and Caregiver Advisory Committee

All AGE-WELL older adults and caregivers are general members of the Older Adult and Caregiver Advisory Committee (OACAC). The OACAC is operated through an appointed committee that acts on behalf of all OACAC members and reports to the AGE-WELL Scientific Directors.

Sherry Baker



Ron Beleno


4. Caron Leid

Caron Leid

Vice Chair

1. Phil Davis photo

Phil Davis

Ontario Region Representative

6. Marjorie Moulton photo

Marjorie Moulton

Pacific Region Representative

7. G Burn Evans

G Burn Evans

West-Central Region Representative

9. Chaitali Desai_Picture_2020

Chaitali Desai

Ontario Region Representative

11. Olive Bryanton

Olive Bryanton

Atlantic Region Representative


Susan Kirkland

AGE-WELL Board Member (observer)


Alex Mihalidis

AGE-WELL Scientific Director (observer)

Ashley (Ash) McAskill

Programs Coordinator at AGE-WELL NCE and the EPIC-AT Program (Observer)


Bridgette Murphy

AGE-WELL Managing Director (observer)

Amanda Jenkins

Amanda Jenkins

Maternity Leave

AGE-WELL Community Engagement Manager (observer)