AGE-WELL Projects

Rural/Remote Indigenous Technology needs Exploration

Indigenous Technology Needs Exploration – Saskatchewan

Aging Technologies for Indigenous Communities in Ontario

Tools for User Needs Gathering to Support Technology Engagement

Older Adults' Active Involvement in Aging and Technology Research and Development

Engaging People Living with Dementia in Product Design, Testing, and Commercialization - A Case Study towards Developing Practice Standards

Feasibility of mixed reality technologies for people with dementia

Evaluating the usability of interactive mobile technology for driver rehabilitation after stroke

Dancing for good health: The GERAS DANCE online community of learning

Innovative Technology for Caregivers

Portal for the Systematic Monitoring and Training of User-Caregiver Dyads after Provision of Assistive Devices

Online Assistive Technology Rating and Recommending System for Caregivers

Assistive Technologies that Care for the Caregiver

Wearable Caregiver Posture Coaching Feedback System

Connecting Working Caregivers

App Support for Informal Caregiving: Identifying Best Practices for the Implementation of a Technology-enhanced Homecare Service for Older Adults Living with Chronic Conditions.

Understanding how to Appropriately Support Indigenous Families with Dementia through Digital Storytelling: A Community-based Approach

Developing User-Centred Digital Supports for Informal Networks that Provide Care for Elders: A Co-Design Approach

Illustrating Designed Things as Therapy

Caregiver Needs: Data Development and Dissemination

Mobile Robotics for Activities of Daily Living Assistance

Collaborative Power Mobility for an Aging Population

Adaptable Intelligent Domestic Environments

Emotional MOtivation for TEchnology that Cares

iNnovative Easy Assistance Reassuring System


Backup Sensor Technology for Wheelchairs (BSTW)

Lightweight Electronic Reacher to Reduce Falls and Increase Independence Among Seniors

Refining a Medical Device to Train and Assist Individuals with Neurological Paralysis

Barriers and facilitators of integrating an immersive wheelchair simulator (miWe) as a clinical tool for training powered wheelchair driving skills

Impact of Environmental Awareness on Powered Wheelchair Driving Performance and Safety

Organizing Medication Monitoring for the Elderly and their Caregivers within a Business Homecare Ecosystem

Usability testing of a mHealth application and internet portal for managing chronic arthritis and joint health

Providing Occupational Therapists with a 3D Mapping Tool to Enhance Home Adaptation and Assistive Technology Provision Meeting the Needs of Older Adults and their Caregivers

The Steadiglove

Scalable Heuristics for Assistive Design and Elaboration

Adrenalease Posture Apparel Expansion

Development and implementation of a gait rehabilitation device for persons living with multiple sclerosis

A Smart Clothing and Assistive Robotic System for Older Adults

End-user Led EValuation of Assistive TEchnology (ELEVATE)

Improvement of access to home therapy for patients with chronic kidney disease: The implementation of a new remote monitoring technology in the treatment of patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis in the province of Quebec

Backup Sensor Technology for Wheelchairs (BSTW)

The Steadiwear Glove

Robotic Stair-Climbing Assistant (ROSA)

Usability testing of a digital health app to support older adults with Chronic Kidney Disease make a successful transition onto dialysis

Promoting Social Connectedness through New and Innovative Communication Platforms

Promoting Social Connectedness through Playing Together- Digital Social Games for Learning and Entertainment

Promoting Social Connectedness through Collaborating on Digital Storytelling and Knowledge Creation and Sharing

Supporting our Aging Workforce: Design Requirements for Novel Retiree Continuity Management Support Systems

Lha’hutit’en - Intergenerational Digital Storytelling in a First Nations Community

Language Customization Tool to Simplify Health Information

Improving the Learnability and Usability of Mobile Devices for Older Adults

Promoting quality of life through creative and collaborative music-making with an assistive digital music technology

Ambient-Based Physiological and Functional Monitoring

Technologies to Predict, Prevent, and Detect Falls

An In-home Intelligent Exercise System for Physical Rehabilitation, Enhancing Musculoskeletal Function, and Preventing Adverse Events

Using eHealth to Enhance the Participation of Adults with Subjective Cognitive Decline: A Pilot Feasibility Study

Improved Treatment of Overactive Bladder with Electrical Stimulation

Product Verification Testing of a Pressure Ulcer Prevention/Healing Cushion

Effective Go-to-market Strategy for a Modern Health Monitoring and Detection System to Increase Senior Independence.

Market Survey to Determine Features of a Wearable Technology for Retaining, Regaining or Improving Hand Function in Seniors

WearCOPD– A Wearable Application to Monitor COPD Patients at Home: Optimizing Patient Engagement, Increasing Sensor Accuracy, Determining the Ability to Detect Early COPD Exacerbations

Commercialization of a haptic robot for rehabilitation of the upper limb post-stroke

Commercialization of SlingSerter for Home Care

Development strategy for an interactive health monitoring system to increase senior independence and well-being

Longitudinal study of bed entry/exit and sleep patterns for older adults through Data Analytics

Towards a personalized treatment of overactive bladder

Wearable sensor-based automatic frailty and fall risk assessment in older adults

Proof of concept development of an active insole to reduce falls in older adults

Rehabilitation as a health strategy for persons with chronic conditions and associated issues of aging: A web based application

Rehabilitation mobile app for older adults following total knee replacement

Development of an automatic braking system for rollator walkers

Health Sensing Algorithms for Pressure Sensitive Mats

Commercialization of the Proactive Recreation and Wellness Platform

Context awareness indoor activity monitoring for aging-in-place

Development of a test system to measure and evaluate safe force thresholds on delicate tissue

ICT applications for Screening, Assessment and Interventions to Enhance Mental Health

Automated Assessments of Cognitive Impairment using Environment-based Sensing

Improving Pain care for Older Adults through the Use of Advanced Technologies

WinterLight Labs: Cognitive Assessment through Speech

Assessing Cognitive Ability using Automated Assessment of Speech

Big Data Analysis Algorithm for the Analysis of Lifestyle Factors on the Aging Process

Brain Fitness APP for Aging with a Healthy Brain and Detecting Cognitive Declines

Product adaptation and verification of a technology to monitor cognition in older adults

Towards a Market Ready Centivizer Product: Evaluation and Refinement of Prototypes in Long-term Care Settings

ALADIN: Adaptive Lighting for Alzheimer and Dementia Intervention

Cycled lighting in the senior home: Effect on rest-activity, sleep, performance and psychological well-being

Technology-enhanced multimodal meditation for enhancing wellness in long term care

Feasibility study of an interactive digital technology in reducing bathing-related agitation in a residential care facility

PATHFINDER: A Smart Lighting System for Fall Prevention and Wayfinding for Seniors

Policy and Regulatory Issues in Enabling Technological Innovation

Developing Regional Health InnoVation Ecosystems

Data-Driven Decision-making in Healthcare

Consumer Guideline for Locator Technologies

Community Area Silver Alert Program

Understanding the Issues around Adoption of e-Decision Support for Self-selection of Assistive Technology by Elders

Aging, Disability and Technology: A Framework for Research, Implementation and Policy

Privacy, Security, and Ethics of the use of Emerging Technologies: Development and Validation of a Framework for Research and Policy

Implementing Changes in Technology Development Practices that Protects Users’ Security and Privacy

StayFitLonger - a technological platform to promote healthy aging at home

Needs Evaluation to Learn Valuable Information about Aging in Canada (NELVIA-Can)

Beginning to Co-Design Virtual Geriatric Care for Diverse Older Adults Living with HIV

Socially Assistive Robots for Enabling ElderCare: Creating and Validating a Best-Practices Strategy

A Digital Active Aging Training Program for Chinese Older Adults in Canada during the Post-COVID Era

iTrain my Brain: At-home Cognitive Enrichment to Improve Mobility

Use of GuardIO, a Health Canada-licensed Mobile Application, and Machine Learning to Describe Mobility Patterns of Persons Living with Dementia

Winter Slip Prevention using Bioinspired Pressure Sensitive Adhesives as Wear-resistant Footwear Outsoles

Wearable Biosensing-enabled Intervention to Increase Older Adults' Neighborhood-specific Mobility Self-efficacy and Actual Mobility Behavior

Investigating Indigenous-friendly technology-supported approaches to aid in health promotion

Implementation and Evaluation of a New App to Improve the Quality of Life of Older Caregivers of People Living with Dementia

Developing a Digital Technology Evidence Portal or Toolkit for Mitigating Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults

Addressing Ethical Challenges in AgeTech: Co-creating a Way Forward with National and International Communities

Program to AccelerateTechnologies for Homecare (PATH)

Refinement and Feasibility Testing of an Online Patient Navigation Platform for Enhancing Access to Geriatric and Mental Health Care for Seniors Living with HIV

Co-Designing Outreach Strategies and Educational Materials for Virtual Emergency Department Uptake by Older Adults

Assessment of social connection using real-time location data in aged residential care homes

A Just-In Time Adaptive mHealth Intervention for Dementia Prevention

Supporting connections though VR storytelling in acute care settings

Strengthening the Evidence Base for a Technology-Assisted Therapeutic Walking Program: Walk-BEST

Designing and evaluating a voice-based AI banking tool for/with older adults

Advancing GPS-enriched wearable technology for monitoring mobility: development of an open-source data processing pipeline and personalized behavioural feedback reports for improving healthy aging

PATH: Program to Accelerate Technologies for Homecare

An Open Platform of Serious Games for Cognitive Assessment and Intervention

A Smart Home System for Persons with Cognitive Impairment

Building technology-enabled, aging-focused rapid learning health systems in Canada

Implementation of a validated digital memory augmentation platform to enhance memory for everyday events

Bridging culture and care through community-based research: Implementation and evaluation of a digital diabetes program for Indigenous communities

Implementing and enhancing the 2RaceWithMe intervention to increase resilience, and reduce social and physical frailty

Increasing access to advanced falls risk assessments for seniors living in supportive living settings using the ProMote virtual care platform

Assessing the effects of implementing AgeTech to support dementia care in a rural setting in northern British Columbia

Pilot implementation of the ARMM device in a long-term care setting

Evaluating the efficacy of a smart activity sensor for senior care using the RE-AIM framework

Implementing Walk-BEST technologies in a senior’s independent living facility: Building a model to meet the needs of all stakeholders

VRision Program – Scaling of a validated Virtual Reality training program for improving vision in older adults

Smart Technologies in the Home: Developing and Testing Strategies for Seniors with Severe Mental Illness

Mobilising the Older Adult's Voice Within Community-Care Through Transforming into Data Their Personally Reported Outcomes of Engaging with Health Services

Cognitive assessment with speech and machine learning

Beyond Ability411: A Participatory Action Research Study to Scale-Up a Web-Based Service About Assistive Technologies for Older Adults in British Columbia

Ubiquitous Cognitive Assessment in the Aging Population

Game Design Service Platform for Seniors' Health and Well-being

Connected, at-Home, Accessible Remote Monitoring in COPD (CHARM-COPD): a Program of Care in COPD involving Virtual Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Integrated Care and Remote Clinical Monitoring

Stronger Together: The Feasibility of an Interdisciplinary Virtual Care Program Targeting Older Adults at Risk for or Living with Frailty

FUSE-for-Frailty: A Technology-based Solution to Empower Self-management of Daily Health-related Behaviors Linked to Frailty

Indigenous methodologies: building capacity for telediabetes care in Urban Indigenous communities. (I’M T’CARE)

Location tracking-based health status indices and their integration into clinical support tools in long-term care.

Precision mental health: A stakeholder-informed, Big Data approach to psychological wellbeing

Wearable technology implementation and innovation to prevent fall-related hip fractures and traumatic brain injuries in older adults

Designing Innovative Social Robots through end-User ParTicipation (DISRUPT)

Development of smart homes for aging in place; at Résidences Le 1615 & Le 1625

Advanced Technologies for Pain Care in Older Adults with Dementia

Technologies for assessment and management of wayfinding risks for persons living with dementia in their communities

Introducing New Technology to Monitor the Health Data of Older Adults With Multi-Morbidities Related to Dementia in Indigenous Communities

Inclusive Interactive Apps to Reduce Older Adults' Social Isolation and Digital Marginalization

Living More with SMART Technology: Exploring the feasibility, usability, sustainability and scalability of SMART solutions to support increased quality of life in Continuing Care.

SMART - Socially Mobile Assistive Robots for Telecare and Daily Activities of Older Adults

Monitoring My Mobility (M3): A mobility self-monitoring tool for older adults and their caregivers

The use of automated vehicle technologies by individuals with dementia: A potential tool for delaying complete driving cessation.

Cog@Work: Co-Creating Sustainable Workspaces for Aging Workforces

Enhancing Employability of Older Workers and Family Carers

Evaluating and scaling up MOvIT+

Social enterprise as a sustainable solution to promote the employment and digital inclusion of older adults with cognitive disabilities

The YourCare+ Self-Referral Platform for Home and Community Support Services – A Proof of Concept Pilot toward Large Scale Deployment

Development of Assistive Listening Technology Best Practices for Live Music

AGE-WELL National Innovation Hub in Advancing Policies and Practices in Technology and Aging

Centre for Technology Adoption for Aging in the North – CTAAN

Digital Health Circle

AGE-WELL National Innovation Hub in Sensors and Analytics for Monitoring Mobility and Memory

Knowledge Mobilization by Social Media

4VRYoung: Using Immersive VR Travel Videos to Motivate Arm and Leg Exercise

Health Sensing Algorithms for Pressure Sensitive Mats - Commercialization

Accelerating Commercialization of the TOM (Top of Mind) a Personal Aide for Activity and Medication Scheduling and Reminders

Acceptance and reliability of digital (web-based) version of Alberta Rating Index for Apps (ARIA)

Preventing falls and injuries in older adults through education and sharing of a video database of real-life falls among a community of practice

Knowledge Mobilization

Knowledge Mobilization Research

Knowledge Mobilization and Commercialization

Ethics and Practice

Commercialization and Technology Transfer

Commercialization and Technology Transfer Research

Collaborative Research

Transdisciplinary Working

Transdisciplinary Working Research

Evaluation and Impact

Training and Mentorship

Training and Mentorship Research

User-Driven Research

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Designing Assistive Technology that Cares

JDQ - Collaborative Service Robots for Eldercare Facilities: Fostering Reciprocity with Lessons Learned from People with Developmental Disabilities

Network Management Office

Novel vitality indices derived from the Hexoskin in patients affected with angina undergoing coronary revascularization or medical therapy

Point of Care Health Technologies


Responsible commercial translation of an assistive devices decision support system to improve older adults' autonomy