Connecting older adults and caregivers to Canada’s technology and aging community


AGE-WELL is pleased to support the active participation of older adults and caregivers in Canada’s vibrant technology and aging community. AGE-WELL CONNECT is designed to provide stakeholders with access to new and exciting learning opportunities including conferences, workshops and lectures through partial funding (reimbursement) of registration or other participation fees. AGE-WELL may support other types of activities provided they are relevant to AGE-WELL’s mission, and most importantly, allow applicants to become involved in this new and exciting field. Ultimately, our goal is to help caregivers and older adults join conversations and participate in activities with researchers, industry and decision makers from across the technology and aging sector.

Application Process:

Applications are accepted throughout the year on a rolling basis by email.

Please complete and sign an application form including a brief statement that describes the activity to be undertaken and the amount of funding requested.

CONNECT applications will be reviewed by AGE-WELL Network Management Office staff using the following criteria:

  • Value-add or benefit of the proposed activity to applicant as described in the proposal.
  • Fit with AGE-WELL goal and priorities.

Terms and Conditions of Funding:

  • CONNECT is a reimbursement program. If a request is approved, original paid receipts for the activity described in the application must be submitted to AGE-WELL before any funds will be issued. Receipts must match the activity approved for funding. Detailed reimbursement guidelines will be provided with the award notification letter.
  • Recipients of CONNECT funding agree to be contacted by the AGE-WELL communications team to share their experience related to the proposed activity in network communications. Confidentiality will be protected as requested in any communications developed from the follow-up interview.

Read a blog by CONNECT Program grant recipient Carol Leid.

Questions about CONNECT? Please contact